Training for Schools

Training and technical assistance are offered for schools interested in implementing the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP).

Training and consultation services include:

  • A 12-hour training for a school's Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee (BPCC).
  • Consultation for a minimum of one full school year (18-24 months recommended) with an OBPP Certified Trainer-Consultant or a trained Olweus Coach.

What are the training objectives?

Through interactive learning, members of the Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee will:
  • Increase knowledge about the nature, prevalence and impact of bullying among children and youth (including impact on academic achievement, mental and physical health).
  • Learn the core elements of the OBPP and strategies for bullying prevention and intervention.
  • Develop skills to build awareness among students and staff of various roles played in bullying situations and to encourage positive behaviors as witnesses.
  • Develop skills to intervene effectively in incidents of bullying and follow up with both students and families of those involved.
  • Develop a plan and timeline for implementation of the OBPP with fidelity.

How can my school receive training?

School personnel may either locate an existing OBPP Certified Trainer-Consultant or you may find it more cost effective to have personnel attend an Olweus Coach Training.

Why is training and consultation important?

Training is important to ensure the BPCC has the necessary information, support and strategies to successfully launch and sustain the OBPP with fidelity. The purpose of the required consultation/coaching is to provide assistance in the implementation of program elements, with particular attention to trouble-shooting challenges that may arise.

Who should attend the training?

All members of a school's Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee should attend the entire 12-hour training.

Who should be a part of the Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee?

The committee typically includes:
  • School administrator (principal or assistant principal)
  • Teacher representatives from each grade
  • Counselor and/or school-based mental health professional
  • Parents (non-staff members)
  • Non-teaching staff (e.g., nurse, bus driver, athletics director or coach, cafeteria worker, playground supervisor, school resource officer)
  • Community representative

Where do trainings take place?

Trainings typically take place at the school, at district administrative offices, or at a convenient location in the community. A virtual training option is also available.

Can multiple schools be trained at the same time?

No more than two school committees may be trained at one time. If two trainers are present, they may train three committees at one time. Four committees may be trained at the same time if from the same district and following the same implementation timeline.

What does the consultation involve?

A Certified Trainer-Consultant or trained Olweus Coach will provide at least 12 months of consultation to an on-site coordinator at each school following the BPCC training to assist with program implementation. This consultation may take place in person, by phone, or by videoconference and occurs each month for approximately one hour.

How much does Training and Consultation cost?

If your school or district plans to have personnel trained as an Olweus Coach, please visit the Olweus Coach Training page for information and pricing.

If utilizing an existing OBPP certified trainer, the cost of training and consultation vary by trainer and the number of sites being trained. Please contact a certified Trainer-Consultant for specific pricing. Many trainer-consultants charge less than the maximum rates.

Fee Guidelines for certified trainers:

  • No more than $3,000 for a 12-hour training involving 1 or 2 schools’ Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committees (even when more than one trainer is present).
  • If two trainers are present (required when 3 or 4 schools' BPCCs are being trained), fees may increase accordingly, up to a maximum of $4,500 for the 12-hour training.
  • A maximum of $125/hour for 12 to 24 months for consultation for each school site.
  • No more than an additional $250 per half-day of travel time for the trainer to travel to and from the training site. 
  • Travel costs for the trainer.

Can we opt out of the consultation and just participate in the training?

No. Training is not offered without a commitment to engage in ongoing consultation with a Certified Trainer-Consultant or Olweus Coach to support implementation of the program components. We have found the consultation to be critically important to the success and sustainability of the program.

If you have difficulty in finding a trainer or are interested in hosting an Olweus Coach Training in your area, please contact Jane Riese.



© 2003-2023 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program